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About Stephanie Zikmann | The Holistic Dog Groomer

I am a doting dog carer & multi-award-winning pet care professional!

Voted 'Best Animal Sector Tutor of The Year' at this year's iAwards (2025).


I am a Qualified Holistic Dog Groomer, Certified Canine Behaviourist & Dog Trainer, Certified Level 1 DAATA Method GroomerLevel 2 Let Animals Lead Reiki Practitioner and Pet Business Mentor from Scotland, UK.  â€‹


I specialise in rehabilitating dogs with grooming-related trauma and help dog owners as well as fellow professional groomers achieve similar results through my holistic grooming and behaviour protocol.


So far I have helped over 3,000 dogs and their humans, and over 1,000 professional dog groomers around the world!​


I can provide pet professionals with personalised business mentorship services, helping them to develop their business plans while identifying ways to improve their existing business logistics for maximum results. 

I am often invited to present educational lectures at various pet care events & conferences...

love speaking about holistic dog grooming and welcome any and all enquiries you may have where you feel my personal experiences and knowledge might help make your event a success. Simply send me an e-mail using the button below and we can chat!


As Seen In: BBC Scotland, Dogs Trust, Do No Harm Dog Training, Welfare for Animals, The Dog Welfare Alliance, Puptalk, Barket Place, Pet Professional Network and more!

My Holistic Dog Grooming Products...

Find below exclusive prices on my existing books and merchandise, available to order directly through this website. Note it may be cheaper to purchase some of my books via Amazon.

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Friends & Associates
Do No Harm Holistic Dog Grooming Consultant - Do No Harm Approved
Pet Professional Guild Member
British Dog Groomer's Association
Pet Remedy Professional Partner
The Dogs Trust
Barket Place
Welfare for Animals
The Paw Post
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