Wondering if you’re ready for The Holistic Grooming Academy's Accredited Diploma?
It’s a question I hear a lot. And the truth is, if you've never been taught anything about holistic grooming before, leaping into a diploma all about canine behaviour and positive training can seem intimidating.
Perhaps you feel you aren't quite ready because you have not long had your Level 2 or 3 training and are only just coming to grips with the learning from that experience. Or perhaps you feel learning an entirely new approach will upset the business you have already worked SO hard to build up...
It’s completely understandable, too. No one wants to put all that effort in only to have the rug pulled from under their feet. The idea is daunting!
We go into our grooming courses hearing phrases like "we are groomers, not trainers" or "if a dog tries to bite you just use a muzzle and don't take chances" or "dogs can be stubborn and you have to be firm and assertive" and we are barely ever told anything that offers us insight into the dog's perspective so when a course like the Holistic Grooming and Behaviour Diploma comes along and challenges the status quo, what are people meant to think?
Don’t let this mindset stop you - to get your started, here are two main benefits as to why the course is worth considering:
Benefit #1 Changing to a more holistic-centred practice helps build your confidence around more nervy dogs.
One of the most common struggles in the salon is being faced with a dog who seems to absolute HATE every part of the grooming process.
Before you know it, you have engaged in a battle of wits in an attempt to complete an acceptable standard of groom without being bitten and you are often left in a hot, sweaty mess wondering why you ever thought grooming dogs for a living was a good idea.
Holistic grooming helps overcome the major obstacles that stop a groomer achieving low-stress grooming sessions using practical, science-backed methods that work.
For example, there are various studies to support the benefits of cooperative-based training exercises when attempting to have a dog tolerate certain tasks, and the course provides students with grooming-specific techniques to help utilise those benefits in the context of a professional grooming environment.
Benefit #2 Changing to a more holistic-centred practice takes away the pressures of unrealistic expectations once and for all!
We've all felt the burden of unrealistic pressures especially when it comes to those high-rate customers who don't seem to give grooming processes a moments thought! But equally, we are all guilty of trying to run before we can walk since the grooming industry itself is all about achieving that "perfect finish".
The holistic grooming process is all about being realistic with expectations and stepping out of the "just get it done" mentality. It's like you're taking the foot off the accelerator of your car and pushing gently on the break - slowing down processes can instantly take much of the stress you are currently feeling away, allowing you to think more clearly.
If you’ve been feeling like you’re ready to learn more about Holistic Grooming, you probably are!
If you constantly have a fear of:
being bitten
incomplete grooms
never being "good" enough
not living up to expectations
You should keep reading. And if you decide by the end of this post that you are still not quite there yet, you’ll at least have learned a little about what 'holistic grooming' actually. means!
5 Ways You'll Know You're Ready To Learn More About Holistic Grooming.
Only you can say for sure whether you’re ready for this next chapter of your grooming journey.
As I mentioned above, if it’s been heavily on your mind lately then you’re probably in a good place to start researching your options, at the very least. You may even find that you're more prepared for it than I was when I first transitioned from conventional grooming processes - there were certainly a lot less resources available at that time!
To help you decide, here are a few tell-tale signs that show you're more than ready to take the plunge and dive right into a totally different learning experience that is going to test everything you thought you knew about grooming dogs and running a professional grooming business.
Are you ready?
Readiness Sign #1: People have mentioned that you have a certain gift for handling nervous dogs.
Has someone suggested you try to specialise more in nervous dogs?
This is why it's so helpful to have a community of like-minded individuals behind you who are actively utilising the techniques involved in truly handling nervous dogs with compassion because without that guidance, things can go dangerously wrong.
When I first started integrating cooperative care methods into my day-t0-day processes, I didn't feel I was ready for it - I didn't have anyone I could turn to for support because resources for professional groomers were scarce. Yet the issue still remained that while I wanted to specialise more in "nervous" dogs, I didn't know much about how to do so safely and so I had to look elsewhere.
The turning point for me was seeking advice from trainers and behaviourists who demonstrated skills I new would benefit me in my line of work, and that is when I decided to enrol on the Professional Diploma in Applied Canine Behaviour and the Compassionate Handling of Dogs Diploma with the ISCP. I learned ways to communicate and interact with dogs that I would never had known and because of this insight, I have been able to work with dogs without restraints, and I have never been bitten.
Over the few years that followed, I threw myself into learning as much as I could about dogs and began to integrate it into my processes from within my high-street salon. With the support and wisdom of some amazing trainers, behaviourists and scientists, I was able to devise my own protocol that went on to help rehabilitate hundreds of dogs with grooming-related trauma.
Never did I believe that something as wonderful as The Holistic Grooming Academy would exist years later, let alone be as accessible for groomers all over the world who, like me, feel drawn to helping animals who find grooming processes difficult.
Readiness Sign #2: You feel drawn towards learning more about holistic grooming or low stress grooming processes.
You may not feel it now, but your intuition will almost always steer you in the right direction.
So if you think you’re ready for learning more about holistic grooming processes but are struggling with feelings of self-doubt, imposter syndrome and/or fear, I urge you to stop right there and take a deep breath. It can be hard to admit that how you do things today is not necessarily the right thing to do - shame can either be debilitating or it can be empowering.
The person who says they have not battled with shame at some point in their life is either a person who has barely lived, or a person who is lying plain and simple. I'm telling you now, I've been there more than a few times and I get it.
Here are a few ways to push past it:
First, picture yourself in the position you aspire to be right now - how does it feel? Really immerse yourself in those feelings of pride, satisfaction and confidence. Why wouldn't you take a chance and go all-in?
Next, ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if I try and somehow end up failing? If you are already feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout, you really have nothing to lose but potentially so much to gain from trying!
Finally, can you think of a time in your past where you may have felt a similar way and overcame it? Can you remember how good that felt? Or perhaps you remember feeling proud of a family member or friend for doing something bold and against the norm...
Now, let's just imagine you decide to not listen to the inner voice that's screaming at you to dive right in and take a chance on a different approach - what happens to you then? More importantly, what happens to the dogs in your care who will continue to fear the grooming process until eventually they can no longer be groomed without a vet sedation every 6 months? Sadly, that is a reality for many dogs out there.
If you are brave enough to step into a less familiar terrain and explore the possibilities holistic grooming processes bring the chances are none of the bad things you imagine will happen, and everything you could possibly have hoped for will eventually become your new reality. All it takes is a little forward-planning to help build your initial confidence, but trust me when I say you will do more than survive the transition, I wager a bet that you'll thrive it!
In the words of the inspiring Maya Angelou, 'You can only do the best you can until you know better, and when you know better, you must do better'.
Readiness Sign #3: You have tried conventional grooming processes and it is only making things more stressful for you and the dogs in your care.
Sometimes big decisions come easy because the expected way of doing things either stops working or has never worked the way it should.
That can feel frustrating in the moment, but many times it’s what is truly needed to evoke significant change in the way we do things.
So when you suddenly realise that the methodology is not working, why not see what the alternative approach has to offer? Sometimes 'old-school' has its place in this world but sometimes it simply needs to be let go, and in the case of our beloved dog care sector it really (I mean, reeally) does!
If you aren't quite sure if you can resonate with this just yet why not take a conscious step back from your business processes and spend some time reflecting on how the dogs in your care are experiencing the grooming process.
If you sense that the energy in your work place is more negative than it is positive, then the answer is staring you straight in the face - it's time to make a change.

Other decisions don’t necessarily fall in your lap like magic, it’s more of an “all roads lead to yes” situation.
If you’ve tried the 'tried and tested' methodology of grooming and all fingers point to changing your approach, it could only mean one thing - it's time.
For example:
You've tried harnessing your skills in utilising the benefits of various handling tools and equipment to make the process more efficient but you're still wasting time fighting against the Hannibal Lector of the dog world, you've tried to get faster at styling to help keep grooming sessions short but dog's are still just as stressed and/or you've attempted to delegate tasks to helpers as a way to free up more of your time but you are still feeling like you're a dog bark away from a nervous breakdown.
In any case, if there’s no other way to reach your goal of achieving low-stress grooming while remaining faithful to the traditional way of doing things, it is the time to think differently (and by that I actually mean, learning to think more like a dog and less like a human).
Readiness Sign #4: You have already dipped your toes into holistic grooming concepts and you are now ready to jump "all in"!
You might already feel you are integrating holistic processes into your salon but are now looking for something "official" to seal the deal. Perhaps you feel there's scope to learn more about certain concepts or that you would quite like to have a Certification that means something - whatever the case may be, there is always more you can learn and this might be your sign to enrol on the Diploma.
Being a part of The Holistic Grooming community helps to show the world that you mean business and that you are a part of a bigger entity that is fully on board with your less conventional approach. What's more, our strict ethical standards are in place to help keep our students, members, graduates and associates focused on what truly matters - animal welfare but also, groomer welfare as well.
Here’s how our Academy and all it represents can help to make you and your business a huge success:
#1. The Holistic Grooming Academy logos represent integrity, professionalism and a commitment to CPD.

The academy takes pride in remaining true to its core values when it comes to animal welfare and this reputation extends onto our associates as well.
Being able to showcase our logo as an official student tells the world your first priority is safeguarding the wellbeing of the animals and people in your care.
To most, if not all pet carers how their dog is treated and how their dog experiences grooming is what truly matters most therefore, being able to offer peace of mind to your clients that their dog will never be traumatised through your approach will help to build long-lasting relationships.
To make it even easier for you, the diploma covers customer care and retention in great detail to further equip students with the skills needed to attract the ideal customer and keep them happy for a very long time.
#2. The Holistic Grooming Academy community offers support and accountability.
It can be extremely tough changing the way you have always done something while also attempting to unlearn bad habits but there is something comforting about being in a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey with you.
Being supported by a community that facilitates learning in a compassionate and non-judgemental way helps make the transition from conventional processes to a more unorthodox one less of a challenge and more of an adventure!
If you are looking to find an emotional support network where you can feel safe learning authentically without having to worry about being attacked, then you might not find a better space than The Holistic Grooming Academy's community.
#3 The Holistic Grooming Academy opens doors for you blossoming into something bigger!
It's also important that students and graduates of the Academy feel prepared in stepping out into the business world as leaders and because of this, there are ample opportunities to host events, speak publicly and educate others as part of the learning experience.
If you envision yourself as a person that others look up to and can go to for support, then you will love that The Holistic Grooming Academy integrate ways for students and graduates to gain experience in talking, presenting and running holistic grooming events as well.
While this is optional, the Academy loves to champion the success of their students and graduates and does so by actively sharing successes on their own channels while continuing to offer them a safe place to demonstrate their strengths while helping to make a positive impact in the world around them. There's no such thing as an "expert" in our community and every voice is valued and respected.
The Holistic Grooming Academy basically gives you a platform to really make the most out of your learning and embrace what you feel is right in a place where you can feel safe to express and share your day-to-day break throughs and successes.
Readiness Sign #5: You keep coming across 'holistic grooming' posts and you are curious to understand how it can help you and dogs.
Now, I've heard countless people saying, "holistic grooming is just a sales gimmick and a way to charge more money".
And that absolutely can be true. Having said that, every person you come across will have a slightly different opinion as to what the term 'holistic grooming' means, and this is where we run into a whole bunch of misunderstandings. Because for some people, it suits them to believe one thing over another, right?
I know of many grooming leaders who continue to resist the idea of true holistic grooming processes because if they didn't, they would lose their "authority" not to mention a lot of money from the many products and tools they have manufactured and sell...
But everything is worth exploring even if you don't have any intention of embracing a different approach and I would challenge anyone to give some of their time to humour any curiosity and see for themselves what all of the hype is about.
I've known of many groomers who have done just that and been blown away at just how effective holistic grooming is. While there's a lot of science behind it, once you understand why holistic groomers do what they do, much of it comes down to common sense.
I'll level with you though, change isn't just going to happen on a whim nor would I want it to! It's important to think long and hard about things before making any drastic decision.
Therefore if you are seriously unsure of whether you even agree with holistic grooming processes, I would encourage you to think less about the diploma and more about the holistic grooming membership.
Here's why:
First, the membership is not set in stone - you can cancel it any time so if you hate it, you aren't prisoner to a contract.
The membership gives you access to our community and an opportunity to get an idea of what sort of people are in there and whether you could see yourself fitting in (we aren't all fairies, trolls and ogres - there's a few Unicorns in there too!).
The membership means you can join any of our forthcoming CPD events and learn from some of the world's most inspiring pioneers and researchers.
The membership will also give you access to our extensive resource hub online where all of our past events and Q&A's are uploaded and stored for playback anytime.
You will bag yourself a business listing on the only global holistic groomers directory for the duration of your time with the HGA.
The membership is super affordable for everyone at just £15 per calendar month (remember you can cancel anytime!).
Oh, and as a member you can enrol on the Diploma for 10% off if you decide that you do want to learn more and invest in something amazing for you and your business after all!
Feeding into your curiosity if nothing else will put that big question mark to bed. Even if it’s only in your head at this point, dipping your toes into the membership will help you to decide if low-stress grooming and a more advanced education in training and behaviour is right for you and your long-term business goals.
Click the image below to get FREE access to our first module: Self Care for Professional Groomers now!
Standing in between you and the Holistic Grooming & Behaviour Diploma: The Doubt Edition
Usually, the biggest thing standing in the way of you embarking on a course like this isn’t something external. It actually comes from within.
Some common concerns I heard from my existing students before they took the chance were:
What if I invest that money and I end up losing all of my clients?
What if other groomers in my area take a dislike to me for doing things differently?
What if I join the diploma and I don't have what it takes to make a difference?
Does any of that sound familiar?
The best way to clear those concerns up is to try and not overthink your decision, give yourself some time and get clear on your “why”. Why do you want to learn more about holistic grooming in the first place?
The chances are that you are here for a reason and that reason has been significant enough that it has had you question the way you do things - this is a big deal.
Many of the groomers who enrol on the diploma are burnt out, feeling lost, feeling uninspired and losing their love for a job they had so many high hopes for. After joining, I've heard breakthroughs like:
I never realised just how life-changing holistic grooming could be for dogs but also their guardians.
I finally feel like I belong somewhere and I can truly embrace what feels right.
I can't believe the progress I have made on a dog I thought would never be able to be groomed without sedation.
I've finally realised that there is so much more to grooming than grooming!

The truth is, they all found enrolling scary. And I'm not going to lie, many of them did lose clients when they began to make the changes needed to embrace the concepts of holistic grooming processes but guess what? That. didn't. stop. them!
If you are stopping yourself from making the necessary changes to your business out of fear of losing customers, ask yourself are they the clients you want to have?
There are plenty more dogs in the park and I promise you will only lose the customers that don't deserve you. The academy will show you ways to attract the right customers to your business and potentially make more money doing something that is truly of benefit to the dogs in your care.
You just have to trust that the process works.
Standing in between you and achieving a truly low-stress grooming business: Real-Life Obstacles
Real-life obstacles are some of the most obvious challenges you’re going to face with implementing holistic grooming processes.
We’ve already covered common obstacles in this post, but you likely will have some challenges that are unique to your situation, resources, and facilities as well.
Perhaps you:
don't work for yourself and you can't control 100% of the processes in your salon
are based in a location that is fast-paced and noisy (such as a Garden Centre)
don't have a budget to invest in new equipment and tools that are recommended by the HGA
don't have much space in your salon to implement some of the techniques and exercises
don't work one:one so believe you can't possibly be "holistic"
The good news is, everything about the holistic grooming approach the Academy teaches is ADAPTABLE.
One of the big points to take away that, all change is significant.
There's no finish line for progress therefore whether you are a Cheetah or a Snail, the loser is not the slowest contestant but the one who stops moving forward.
In addition to what I shared above, I recommend you get into the habit of using your own specific circumstances as your superpower and harness your creative thinking and problem solving abilities.
Get comfortable with every day being different. Get more comfortable with every session with every dog being different (because it will be).
Holistic grooming is not based on methodology and because of this, groomers are always learning something new.
Before you go, let me know if you have a better understanding of what Holistic Grooming is, and how The Holistic Grooming Academy can help you!
I hope this post has helped clarify whether you are the right fit for, and are ready to join The Holistic Grooming Academy, whether through our membership or amazing accreditation.
If you're feeling a tad overwhelmed remember that when I first started out everyone told me that holistic grooming was "woo-woo" and would "never amount to anything". I was called a "snowflake" and ridiculed for being "unorthodox", I was even publicly slammed on my business page in view of my clients by a well-known grooming influencer!
But now look at me. In the words of Elton John "I'm still standing", but most importantly I am thriving.
I've helped 1000's of dogs.
I've spoken all over the world.
I've published bestselling books.
I've won countless business awards.
I have a great customer base who respect me.
I charge premium prices and work half as much as what I used to.
And from all of those experiences, I have realised that there are HUNDREDS of groomers who share the same ambitions and want the same things as me - we are most definitely not alone and together we have a real chance at making the grooming industry a much more positive and animal-centred place.
Don't let the opinion of others stop you from progressing and following what's right.
If you have got to the end of this novel and you feel hungry to learn more the only question left to ask is,
What are you waiting for?!
To start your journey click on the image below.
